Robert & the Wisp
The little wisp, the adorable face of Little Spirit, came to Robert as a child, drawing on index cards in his brother's bedroom. At the time, he wanted to invent his own Pokémon. Years later, on very late night during his time in design school in the Fall of 2017, he remembered his ideas and whipped up The Wisp, almost immediately from memory. The other spirits were drawn the same night.

He'd always dreamed up and doodled ideas of mysterious forest spirits, known to be both mischievous & benevolent in nature. So it was inevitable that The Wisp would open his eyes & come to life one day. For Robert, there was, again one late night, a realisation that all his efforts were — consciously or not — leading him toward the path of filmmaking. It'd always been so, it just took the little spirit inside him to wake up & make him realise it.
About the Director
Robert Joseph Suarez is a West Seattleite; an avid traveler, ardent filmmaker & photographer, prolific writer, and devoted friend. His fervent and vivid imagination fuels all of his creative and personal endeavors. His lifetime of poor eyesight led him to engage in the world quite strongly through his senses of hearing & touch. It's for this reason music and sound play as much of a role as visuals, and the value of touch is a common motif for the characters in his films.

He works as a designer professionally, but he's known for the playful photographic and literary focus in his work. He's currently in pre-production for two future short films, shooting a third, and also diligently writing a feature length film. Robert is currently living in Seattle, Washington with his 12 cats.​​​​​​​
Just kidding, can you imagine? 12 cats, holy shit. Imagine having to be the one cleaning all those litter boxes, lol.
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